In our previous post, we delved into the intricate world of “make good” provisions within commercial lease agreements. We explored the challenges these clauses often pose to both landlords and tenants, touching upon interpretations, financial implications, sustainability concerns, and more. As we continue our journey through the realm of commercial leasing, it’s time for a follow-up guide that offers actionable insights to navigate the make good landscape more effectively.

  1. Comprehensive Due Diligence
    As we emphasized previously, clarity is key. Before entering into a lease agreement, both landlords and tenants should conduct thorough due diligence. For tenants, this means understanding the exact terms of the make good provision and any associated costs. Landlords, on the other hand, should be clear about the condition of the property and any specific restoration requirements.
  2. Utilise Technology
    In today’s digital age, technology can be a valuable ally. Employ digital tools to document the condition of the property at the beginning of the lease. High-quality photographs, videos, or even 3D scans can provide an indisputable record of the property’s state. This documentation can be appended to the lease agreement as a Schedule of Condition.
  3. Consult Professionals
    Consider engaging experts who specialize in commercial leasing and property management. These professionals can help interpret the make good provision, guide you through the process, and provide accurate cost estimates. They can also facilitate negotiations between landlords and tenants, helping to reach mutually agreeable terms.
  4. Sustainability in Focus
    In today’s environmentally conscious world, sustainable practices are gaining traction. Landlords and tenants should explore the possibility of incorporating sustainable upgrades or renovations during the make good process. This not only aligns with global sustainability goals but can also enhance the property’s appeal to environmentally conscious tenants.
  5. Regular Communication
    Throughout the lease term, maintain open and regular communication between landlords and tenants. Discuss any potential changes in property conditions, market trends, or business needs that may impact the make good provision. This proactive approach can prevent surprises and disputes at lease termination.
  6. Adaptability and Flexibility
    The business landscape is ever evolving, and so are market dynamics. Both parties should be open to adjusting the make good provision to align with changing circumstances. Flexibility and adaptability can help create a more equitable and sustainable leasing environment.
  7. Financial Planning
    Tenants should establish a dedicated budget for the make good process. This should include not only the anticipated restoration costs but also expenses related to professional assessments and consultations. Planning ahead financially can mitigate potential financial strains.
  8. Legal Review
    Before finalising any lease agreement, consider having it reviewed by legal experts. Legal counsel can ensure that the make good provision is clear, fair, and legally sound. This step can prevent disputes and legal complications down the road. business landscape is ever evolving, and so are market dynamics. Both parties should be open to adjusting the make good provision to align with changing circumstances. Flexibility and adaptability can help create a more equitable and sustainable leasing environment.
  9. Record Keeping
    Both parties should maintain meticulous records throughout the lease term. Document all communications, agreements, and property conditions. These records can serve as invaluable evidence in case of disputes or discrepancies during the make good process.
  10. Review Local Regulations
    Stay informed about local regulations, building codes, and compliance requirements. Ensuring that the make good process adheres to these regulations is essential to avoid legal complications.

Being Prepared

Mastering the art of make good provisions in commercial leases requires proactive planning, clear communication, and a commitment to sustainability. By following these actionable steps, landlords and tenants can navigate the make good landscape with confidence, ensuring a smoother transition at the end of the lease term. Remember, success in commercial leasing is not just about securing a space but also about managing it effectively throughout the lease agreement.

Are you prepared to navigate the make good landscape with confidence?

Partner with experts who understand the nuances and complexities, ensuring your journey through commercial leases is both seamless and prosperous. Contact us today to learn more about our “make good” services, please email