Redd Zebra’s take on responsible business.

We believe that our business has a responsibility to positively impact our local, and the broader community. Our success depends on our people feeling inspired by their jobs and fulfilled in their careers. Our future is brighter when our people and the community prosper. We understand that to sustain our success we must protect our greatest resources: our people; our community; and the broader environment.

  • Our People –  can reach their potential when they’re inspired and given the right opportunity
  • Our Community – is stronger when everyone participates in and benefits from our collective prosperity
  • Our Environment – we are the custodians of our planet for the benefit of future generations.

Our commitment

  • We have aspirational goals. We have already committed to give back. This isn’t simply based on percentage of revenue, although we do support a number of not-for-profit organisations. We are making a commitment to ‘actually’ help our community with volunteer days, where our employees are paid to provide community service each year. This can be collecting for a local not-for-profit to volunteering in a soup kitchen.
  • We have reduced our carbon foot print https://reddzebra.com/sustainability-practice-what-you-preach-embracing-pv-ev-and-wfh/