Project Description
Redd Zebra undertook a Strategic Facilities Management Review to benchmark a major retailers current level of Asset and Facilities Management (A&FM) maturity. The results of the gap analysis demonstrated that the retailer level of maturity of each of the core FM operational activities against good industry practice. The assessment identified critical (immediate action required) as well as crucial (action required in the short term) actions to ensure the proactive management of assets and provide an effective FM service
By working with the Client, we were able to:
- deliver a $17M Business Case aligned to the Maturity Assessment that was financially viable and able to gain internal approval
- understand and define the business as usual state and document an end-to-end process – including an asset data collection processes
- understanding technology options – Working with IBM around Maximo and other technology solutions for FM
- provide asset management advice as subject matter expertise (SME) to the project personnel
- Internet of Things (IoT) – using data collection, analytics and integration to define new FM processes
- Internet of Things (IoT) – provide technical assistance to the internal team around integration of business processes while enabling IT systems